Seed To Soul Cannabis

Green Remedies: The Spectrum of Ailments Alleviated by Medical Cannabis

Green Remedies: The Spectrum of Ailments Alleviated by Medical Cannabis

In recent years, the landscape of medical treatments has expanded to include alternative and unconventional approaches, with medical cannabis emerging as a prominent player in this realm. This guide delves into the spectrum of ailments alleviated by cannabis by examining various health conditions and the effects of cannabis-based products.

Physical Ailments Treated by Cannabis

The ability of cannabis to control symptoms of pain is one of the leading factors in its use in the medical realm. Below we have highlighted three of the most common physical ailments where patients are turning to medicinal cannabis as a possible treatment option. 

Chronic Pain

One of the most widely recognized applications of medical cannabis is in the management of chronic pain. The analgesic effects of cannabinoids, particularly cannabidiol (CBD), play a crucial role in mitigating pain symptoms associated with conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis.

Patients often report experiencing pain relief after the administration of cannabis-based products, allowing for improved daily living and enhanced overall health. While evidence is largely anecdotal, the potential of cannabis as an alternative medicine for chronic pain management cannot be dismissed.


Patients suffering from conditions that induce symptoms of spasticity, such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries, may find relief through the use of medical cannabis. Cannabinoids, including CBD, have demonstrated muscle relaxant properties, offering potential therapeutic effects in the treatment of spasticity.

The route of administration is crucial in achieving optimal results, and cannabis-based medicines may provide an alternative for those seeking relief from the debilitating effects of spasticity without resorting to conventional pharmaceuticals.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain, often associated with conditions like diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage, presents a significant challenge in terms of conventional pain management. Medical cannabis, with its potential analgesic effects, has been considered as a complementary approach to alleviating neuropathic pain.

The wide range of cannabis-based products, including oils, tinctures, and edibles, allows for flexibility in administration, catering to the individual needs of patients experiencing neuropathic pain.

Psychological Ailments Treated by Cannabis

The effects of cannabidiol are vast and vary, influencing both mental and physical health. Below we have outlined just a few of the psychological ailments and psychiatric disorders that cannabis-based medicines can help treat.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can have debilitating effects on an individual’s daily life. Medical cannabis has been considered as a potential treatment for PTSD symptoms, including anxiety, nightmares, and hyperarousal. The anxiolytic effects of cannabinoids, specifically CBD, may contribute to the alleviation of certain psychiatric conditions associated with trauma.

While the evidence is primarily anecdotal, some individuals report positive outcomes in terms of improved mental health and better-coping mechanisms with the use of cannabis-based medicines. By treating posttraumatic stress disorder, it is also possible that other ailments caused by the condition are also treated, for example, sleep disorders and depressive disorders, improving the overall quality of the patient’s life. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face numerous challenges related to neurodevelopmental disorders, impacting their daily living and overall well-being. While evidence supporting the use of medical cannabis in treating ASD is limited, anecdotal reports suggest that cannabinoids may have therapeutic effects on certain symptoms associated with the disorder.

The potential calming and neuroprotective properties of cannabinoids, particularly CBD, have led some parents to explore cannabis-based products as a complementary approach in the management of ASD and even attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, including manic episodes and depressive phases. Some individuals with bipolar disorder have reported positive effects from the use of medical cannabis in managing mood-related symptoms. While caution is advised due to the potential acute effects of cannabis use, including alterations in mood and cognition, some patients claim that the anxiolytic and mood-stabilizing properties of cannabinoids contribute to a more balanced mental state.

Why Have Some Patients Turned to Medical Marijuana?

In recent years, an increasing number of patients have turned to medical marijuana as a potential alternative or complementary approach to traditional treatments for various medical conditions. This shift is often driven by the desire to explore alternative therapies due to limited efficacy or adverse effects associated with conventional medications.

Observational studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that medical marijuana, particularly with its cannabidiol (CBD) component, offers analgesic effects, providing relief from chronic pain and central pain syndromes. The versatility in routes of administration, such as oils, tinctures, or edibles, allows patients to tailor their treatment to individual preferences. Moreover, the anxiolytic effects of cannabinoids have drawn attention to addressing mental health conditions, further contributing to the growing interest in medical marijuana as a potential therapeutic option.

Buy Cannabis Seeds Online

If you are interested in the potential therapeutic effects of marijuana, growing your own plant is the most authentic way to experience the best of the plant. At Seed to Soul Cannabis, we offer a diverse and premium selection of cannabis seeds, catering to both seasoned cultivators and enthusiasts exploring home cultivation to make your holistic journey as simple as possible.

Our carefully curated seed collection reflects our commitment to quality, potency, and genetic diversity. From autoflower seeds to feminized seeds to CBD packs perfect for medicinal use, we have everything a budding cannabis enthusiast could need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cannabis, particularly cannabinoids like CBD, may offer relief from spasticity, a common symptom in conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Adverse effects may include drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth, but careful control of dosage can mitigate these concerns.

Common routes include inhalation, oral ingestion, and topical application. Start with low doses to minimize adverse events, and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on the most suitable administration method.