Seed To Soul Cannabis

Flowering Stage in Cannabis Plants | A Guide For Beginners

Are you a beginner in growing cannabis plants and want to ensure a successful flowering stage? Understanding the flowering stage is crucial for the growth and development of your plants. Without proper knowledge, you may encounter setbacks and disappointment.

To help beginners navigate through the flowering stage of cannabis plants, this guide provides essential information and tips to ensure a successful and bountiful harvest. By understanding the flowering stage, you can optimize your plant’s growth, maximize yield, and achieve the best possible quality of cannabis. Whether you’re a novice grower or have some experience, this guide will equip you with the knowledge needed to succeed in cannabis cultivation.

Flowering Stage in Cannabis Plants

What Is The Cannabis Flowering Stage?

The cannabis flowering stage refers to the specific phase in the life cycle of a cannabis plant where it transitions from the vegetative stage to the reproductive stage. During this stage, the plant produces and develops flowers, also known as buds, which contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids and are used for medicinal or recreational purposes. The flowering stage is characterized by changes in the plant’s physiology and requires specific lighting, nutrient, and environmental conditions to maximize bud growth and potency.

How Long Does The Flowering Stage Last?

The flowering stage is one of the most important stages of the cannabis plant’s growth process, and it is critical for the quality of the yield. It begins when the plant has reached its vegetative state and usually lasts from 8 to 11 weeks depending on the strain. The flowering period is divided into three phases, beginning with early flowering, then progressing through middle flowering, and finally coming to an end with late flowering.

Indica strains typically have a shorter flowering period than Sativa strains, taking around 8 weeks instead of 10-12 weeks. Hybrid strains can take up to 6-10 weeks as well but may sometimes fall within the lower range for Indica or the higher range for Sativa. As soon as all pistils have darkened and matured in color, this signifies that the cannabis plant has entered into a late flowering stage which indicates they are ready to harvest. Proper care needs to be taken during the entire process such as making sure you choose healthy seeds/clones and providing them with an adequate amount of nutrition and light exposure in order to maximize yields.

What Are The First Signs Of A Cannabis Plant Flowering?

What To Expect During Each Week Of The Flowering Stage

For both experienced growers and beginners, it is essential to understand the progression of the flowering stage of the marijuana plant. Weed plants require nurturing in order to achieve optimal growth, and understanding the early stages of the flowering stage is essential to rearing healthy plants. Below, we have broken down the first five most crucial weeks of the flowering stage so that you know what to expect and can ensure successful future harvests.

Week One

The transition stage during the first few weeks of flowering is an important one, and cannabis plants typically grow rapidly during this time. This phase of growth is often referred to as the stretch phase because certain strains can almost double in size during this period. During this time, your cannabis plant will be hard at work developing a bunch of new leaves at the top of their main colas. This extra foliage helps them become stronger and better able to support larger buds later on in the season.

For many growers, this stretch phase marks the beginning of what will eventually become an abundant harvest full of buds. Keeping your plants well-fed with all the nutrients they need is key for ensuring your genetics reach their full potential before flowering progresses too far along. If you are selective about your strains and keep a regular growing schedule with consistent pH levels, you should see some impressive results come harvest time.

Week Two

Week two of flowering is an exciting time for any cannabis plant grower as their plants begin to show signs of producing buds. For female plants, this week marks the appearance of white pistils growing around the intersections of where fan leaves meet the main stem. These tiny, wispy hairs are essential to the formation of the buds that will later emerge from the plants. It is these white hairs that will signal that it is safe to sex regular, non-feminized plants so growers can separate males from female cannabis plants and prevent pollination.

At this point in flowering, male plants won’t produce any of these white “hairs” but instead will form small pollen sacs which when pollinated with other female plants will cause them to produce seeds, inadvertently ruining the harvest potential of those particular buds. This is why it is important for growers to accurately identify and separate males from females during week 2 before any serious pollination occurs.

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Week Three

At this stage of the cannabis growth cycle, your plants are about 50% bigger than they were just three weeks earlier, but their stretching and growing have almost stopped and have started to form buds. The buds will first appear as small hairs on the plant, but will gradually grow larger. Although you won’t be able to detect a pungent smell yet due to the lack of resin glands and trichomes, the flowers are beginning to take shape.

It is important during this stage of flower production that you provide your plants with appropriate nutrients so that they develop properly. Carefully check the product label for recommendations on dosages and bear in mind that nitrogen levels may need to be dropped for flowering plants. Keep an eye out for changes in your plant’s size, color, aroma, and bud structure as they develop during week three to make sure everything is going according to plan. Additionally, ensure adequate ventilation and airflow as this enables better transpiration rates which provides more oxygen for fast flower growth.

Week Four

At week four of the flowering stage, cannabis plants have stopped growing and are instead focusing their energy on creating larger buds. These buds will have white hairs sticking out from them and will become bigger and fatter each day as they produce higher concentrations of trichomes. This increased production means that the odor coming off of the buds will be more noticeable during this stage.

At this point in time, growers don’t need to pay attention to training their plants anymore; rather, they should focus on providing support for drooping branches if necessary. It’s important for growers to watch for any signs of stress or deficiencies as it can greatly hamper the overall yield and potency of the plant. By keeping a close eye on any changes in temperature, humidity levels, or nutrient levels at this stage, growers can ensure that they get the highest quality product when harvest time comes around.

Week Five

Week five of flowering requires close monitoring and observation. At this point in the flowering stage, growers should observe that the buds all over the plant are becoming thicker day by day. In addition to this, new budding sites can also be spotted along the main cola. Your cannabis plants will also get fatter every day as more buds appear on them, which is a surefire indication that your plant is successfully in full flowering mode.

You should watch out for the scent emitted from your cannabis plants during week five of flowering, especially for those growing indoors. It can be very strong and pungent at this point so make sure you have a good ventilation system in place to subdue any smell that may arise. This will allow you to grow extremely aromatic and delicious flowers without any worries about being noticed by neighbors.

Tips For Successful Flowering

If you are growing cannabis, the environmental conditions during the flowering phase are extremely important. You need to consider everything, from the temperature of your grow room to the levels of mineral nutrients your plants are receiving. To make the growth phase easier, proper planning is key, which is why we have created a list of expert tips for successful flowering.


Temperature is an important factor to consider when it comes to cultivating cannabis plants. During the flowering stage, they require moderate temperatures between 18°C and 26°C in order to thrive. Temperatures below this range may cause havoc for the plant, encouraging slower growth or even killing it if exposed to freezing temperatures for too long. Similarly, if these plants are exposed to excessively high temperatures (above 28° C) they can be face a host of problems, including stunted growth, burnt leaves, excessive dryness and more.


When it comes to organic nutrients for cannabis plants during the flowering stage, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are the main requirements. As the plant starts to bloom, the levels of nutrients are typically increased for better growth and development, yet nitrogen concentration is reduced. This is why there are specific fertilizers for vegetative growth and flowering stages that are designed to support plant metabolism at different cannabis growth stages.

Other additional nutrients like magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and sulfur (S) must also be incorporated in order for the plants to reach their peak potential. At the same time, micronutrients such as copper and iron should be given but in small amounts only as they are not required in large quantities. If your plant enters a stage of nutrient deficiency, healthy growth becomes unlikely and you will struggle to get a successful harvest.


Flowering cannabis plants require a certain amount of light as well as dedicated dark periods to reach full maturity. The most common light cycle is 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness. During the period with light, the majority of professional and serious growers use LED grow lights for optimal results. This is because LED lights are the most energy-efficient, lasting longer than any other technology yet offering superior plant yields.


For cannabis plant growth, keeping the relative humidity around 40-50 % during the vegetative stage helps ensure healthy plants and buds. Having too much or too little humidity causes a variety of problems ranging from root rot to nutrient deficiency and poor photosynthesis due to a lack of water vapor in the air for localized foliage evaporation.

Additionally, having excessive levels of humidity increases the chances for mold growth or bud rot which could lead to poor plant health if left unchecked. Therefore, monitoring and adjusting humidity levels appropriately is essential to keep plants healthy, both while they’re growing as well as when harvested flowers are drying. Keeping an area consistently humid by using humidity controllers helps ensure consistent healthy cannabis crops with minimal hassle.

Dealing with Common Challenges in the Flowering Stage

As a beginner, understanding and addressing common issues that may arise when it comes to flowering time is crucial for a successful harvest. One common challenge in the flowering stage is cannabis nutrient deficiencies. As the plants divert their energy towards bud production, they may require different nutrient ratios than in previous stages. It’s important to monitor the plants closely and provide them with the necessary secondary nutrients, such as phosphorus and potassium, to support healthy bud development. A plant’s nutrient deficiencies can manifest as yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or discolored buds, so it’s important to address issues promptly.

Another challenge that growers may encounter is pest infestation. During the flowering stage, cannabis plants become more susceptible to pests, such as spider mites, aphids, or whiteflies. These pests can damage the entire plant and compromise the final yield. Implementing preventive measures, such as regular inspections, using organic pest control methods, and maintaining a clean growing environment, can help minimize the risk of infestation. Early detection and immediate action are key to managing pest challenges effectively.

Buy Cannabis Seeds Online

Whether you’re a first-time grower or an experienced cultivator, finding a reputable online seed bank is essential to ensure your plant harvesting is as successful as possible. At Seed To Soul Cannabis, we understand that high-quality seeds lead to high-quality yields which is why we offer only the best seeds to ensure you are able to produce plants that consistently thrive. We have a wide range of products and strains available so that you can create a plant with the perfect flavor profile, potency and yield.

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